Coolifting will be attending at the major international congress of cosmetic / aesthetic sector.

On March 18th will begin Cosmoprof Worlwide Bolognia, the largest international fair of cosmetic / aesthetic sector and Coolifting will participate as an exhibitor in a design booth. Every person interested will be addressed, the device will be shown and will be performed live demonstrations of the most innovative treatment of the year.

Coolifting arrives to Bologna to continue its international expansion, which has taken him to 25 countries. This is its first participation in an international conference, so expectations for the event are very positive. The main objetive is to continue signing agreements with major distributors in each country to settle Coolifting in all regions of the world.

After success achieved in all comparencencias at national conferences around the world (Spain, United States, England and Belgium among others) now reaches the central point of the year with attendance at Cosmoprof between 18th and 21th of March.