Coolifting, the beauty gun, is born
Revolutionary registered system to perform a shocking facial rejuvenation.
The treatment consists of projecting a power CO2 flow, combined with an extremely high concentration of atomized actives at a very high pressure and a very low temperature.
The attenuation of the facial wrinkles and the facial rejuvenation have always been the corner stone of aesthetics.
Until now, the proposed treatments combined long sessions with scarce results or else, some timid result by enduring traumatic and invasive treatments. But nowadays, the rules of the game are changing: the Coolifting futuristic technology is here: a simple, fast and effective treatment that opens-up a new spectacular, unique, innovating and non-invasive anti-aging concept to fight wrinkles and for facial rejuvenation.
The Coolifting gun projects a powerful CO2 flow on the facial tissues, along with an extremely high concentration of atomized actives at a very high pressure and very low temperature. It is a non-invasive treatment and thus, not painful. The application pressure and temperature are technically controlled by specific software, so that its perception doesn’t represent any discomfort.
The cold CO2 flow (cryophoresis) and the atomized actives combined with the high application pressure (barophoresis) on the epidermis causes an intensive penetration of the Coolifting actives and an exponential increase of its effects. The thermal shock caused by bringing an external intense cold source suddenly to the skin, which is normally at 36ºC (97ºF), generates a dermis reaction, deep and instantaneous, while stimulating the underlying tissues. For that very same cause, the circulating vessels contract and expand alternatively to counter that cold contribution (action known as paradoxical vessel-motricity). On top of that, we must add the benefits generated by the cryocarboxytherapy (CO2): it activates blood micro-circulation, it induces production of collagen and elastine and it increases the tissues oxygenation.
All of which means a double effect: on the one hand, an immediate lifting effect, which means eliminating the superficial wrinkles, reduction of deep skin-folds and skin smoothing; on the other hand, a during rejuvenating effect, visible by an intense collagen and elastine stimulation, dermis regeneration and skin texture and quality improvements.
Coolifting is designed to easily treat facial wrinkles, both the expression ones and the gravitational ones: eyes outline, forehead, frown, cheeks and lips’ zone.
Coolifting has been totally developed in Barcelona by a team that has combined state-of-the-art technology with the excellence, thus delivering this revolutionary system.