Clearing and cleaning product vial outflow
Components needed:
- 5 x caps
- 1 x tip
Tools needed:
- 1x nichrome wire or equivalent
Part1 – Gun opening
- Identify the 5 caps covering the screws and remove them
- Remove the blue tip with a screwdriver
- Remove the sticker covering the buttons with help of a sharp tool
- Remove the 5 screws
- Carefully separate the two housing parts while pressing the button indicated on the image
- Gun is now opened
Part 2 – Clearing
- Remove the 2 silicon tubes from the vial container and from the injector tip.
- With a nichrome wire, try to clear any residue that may be clogging the two silicone tubes.
- Realize the same procedure for the outflow holes in both the vial container and the injector tip.
- Replace back the 2 silicon tubes.
- Reassemble the gun by following Gun Opening instructions in reverse order.